Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30, 2011- Bedtime

This post was going to be entitled "Mess, and I'm too tired to care." Up until 5 minutes before I took this pic, there were supper dishes on the table, food on the counter and stove, and things on the floor. But yea, I decided not to leave them as is and to put them away. Mostly, anyhow.
I have dishes in the sink overnight for the first time since starting this challenge. Not a million dishes, but still dishes.
And I honestly am too tired to care. Too tired to wash them. Went to sleep too late last night and was up with the kids too many times in the night to stay up later to wash these.
Oh well.
I'll decide tomorrow if that means I "failed" this challenge today, or if I passed, or if I get "half credit". I'm leaning towards half credit.

Because other than those eggs, the counters are clean. And so is the floor.

And aside for that backpack that I'm too tired to deal with at the moment (emptying it out, etc...), the table is also free from clutter.

I'll tally up the score in the AM.

Good night.

I'm zonked.

What do you say? Points for cleanliness for tonight, or my first "incomplete"? Do you leave dishes in the sink overnight?


  1. I say partial points, although you have dishes in the sink you definitely had it clean earlier and the house isn't in shambles.

  2. I think you should still get partial points, you did most of the cleaning, you have 2 little guys and you are hugely pregnant. You need your rest at this point. Tomorrow is another day.
