Monday, November 28, 2011

11/28/2011- Day 2 Bed Time

I'll be totally honest here. I was about to fall off the bandwagon tonight, after only my third post. I was in the city this evening meeting my doula, and came home absolutely wiped out. I actually fell asleep on the bus and wanted to roll into bed and sleep for the rest of the night, even though it was still really early. Last night I only slept 2 am until 6:30 pm, so that's understandable, but I was torn.
My bed was desperately calling me.
But the supper dishes were on the table, and there were the lunch dishes in the sink. I really didn't want to leave dishes overnight, because I was afraid that that would stop my clean streak and just encourage messiness. And because I knew I had to post here tonight with a pic... and I didn't want to post a pic of a less than spotless kitchen, especially not on day 2 of the challenge.

So I convinced my husband to wash the dishes while I made his breakfast and lunch for tomorrow (extra challenging because I haven't been grocery shopping in 3 weeks and am really short on ingredients- I ended up making him pancakes- with eggs and milk- and mashed potatoes with green beans).

So... This clean house. Well, for the most part it was my doing. I didn't let it become the royal bomb it usually does with toys all over the floor and dishes piled high in the sink and pots and pans all over the counter and stove, etc...
But the fact that the sink is all the way clean, that there are no dirty dishes in the pic... That is thanks to my husband, Mike.
Of course, Mike often does do the dishes in our marriage and often resents it, because there really is no reason why someone like myself home all day should be messing the place as terribly as I generally do and not clean up after myself (and today proved him right about that)... but because he saw how hard I worked to not only keep the place clean but to work on the other things as well today (cleaning under the bed, et al), he was more than happy to clean up the few supper stuff while I cooked food for tomorrow.

Clean sink, post breakfast and lunch prep for tomorrow. I actually did wash those dishes (hubby just did the dishes that were in the sink prior to that) as well as cleaning off the counter.
Yes, I do want to start having the dish rack empty before bed, but that'll come in time, I hope.

Ike sitting at the clean table on a relatively clean floor. Yes, he's still up. Thats what happens when he falls asleep at 6 PM while I'm out, wakes up at 7:30 asking for Mommy and doesn't fall back asleep because he wants Mommy. 6 PM is NOT a good time for a 2 year old to nap.

And no, he's not wearing pants. He's holding them in his lap. Somehow, he's not cold. 2 year olds...

As for the cleanliness state of the house- laundry on the line that will be dry by tomorrow AM and needing to be sorted, laundry in the machine that needs to be hung up, and the floor could use a mopping.
Tomorrow, they say, is another day.

So far, 3 out of 3 possible chances for a clean house. 3 out of the potential 60 times for this challenge. No bonus points for tonight, and I really shouldn't be getting today's points either because my husband did help with this one... But the fact that I did stay up and didn't go to sleep when I wanted to, but instead stayed up to get things done that needed to get done... I'll give myself credit for this one.

Oh, and as for rewards and motivation, I allowed myself to window shop and look at a display of nice earrings while I was in town today, to show me what I can have if I stick to this resolution of mine. And I passed by the sushi place, was very tempted to treat myself, and then refrained, saying "No, Penny, that's only if you manage to keep the place clean. No cheating!"

So, did you manage to keep your place clean today?


  1. i actually stayed up last night and cleaned the house. i had made a party that day, i had it in another building but the kids trashed my house while i was out doing errands. my dh was home trying to get the kids ready on time. it was nice waking up to a cleaner house.

  2. You should get bonus points, your husband and you are ONE!

  3. Hi, First of all, I love the idea of this blog! I read your other blog. From viewing your photos, might I suggest you buy another one of those shelving towers like the one pictured? I find that having ample space to put things makes cleaning easier. I know buying another shelving unit is not frugal but in this case, I think it would be worth it. Perhaps you or your husband could make one? But make sure it is identical to the other one so they can go side by side and add to the cohesive look.

  4. I started the challenge today, so I posted my standard(ish) here as well as some goals I have for bigger things I want accomplished by the end of the 30 days:
    It's a little pic heavy, I took a picture of each room!

  5. Thanks Kaplan! But in this case, the point is for ME to work on my cleaning habits, not for me to rely on my husband to clean for me, a rut I've fallen into in our past 5 years of marriage.

    Juliette, thanks for the idea about the shelving towers. We actually have 2 other matching shelving towers on the side of the room not shown. :-D

    Erica, good for you! I can't wait to support you also on this endeavor!
