Saturday, December 3, 2011

December 2-3, 2011

Hrmm. Slacking off with the pic taking and blog posting, I know. I just had a crazy past 48 hours, including not having any gas in my house and having repeated black outs, and having lots of cooking that needed to get done. I pretty much spent the whole day yesterday at my friend's house, cooking all my food there, and then lugging my things back and forth repeatedly. No fun.
And then on top of that all, I've just been so exhausted that I've been crashing at 9:30 pm and on top of that, taking naps during the day.
And on top of that, Ike's been having lots of potty issues so.... yea, there goes any modicum of relaxation I might be able to get.
So I don't really have pics for Friday afternoon, evening, or Saturday afternoon. Only for Saturday night. But I am keeping track of whether or not I accomplished my goals.

So, how did I do?

Friday Afternoon:
The place was pretty clean. Dishes washed, table cleared, floor cleaned. Full points for Friday afternoon. Two bonus point for the kid's bedroom and master bedroom's bed's made.

Friday Night:
No points. I crashed at 9:30 pm with a sink full of dishes, counters full of stuff, and supper stuff still on the table. Hey, at least the floor was clean.

Saturday Afternoon:
No points. Dishes on the table, in the sink, on the counter. Yea...

Saturday Bedtime:
Finally. Back on track.
Full points.

Counters cleaned. Sinks cleared. Floors cleaned.

Table cleared.

No bonus points though. 

Total tally so far- I've gotten the place cleaned to the standards I set 9.5 out of 13 possible times, and 9.5 out of the 60 possible so far.

22 total bonus points.

I gotta get back on track. Being tired isn't an excuse to let the place slide into disarray.
But at the same time, I'm not going to eat myself up for being human. Even when the place was a mess, it was a far cry from the accumulated mess that I've managed to let build up in my home at times. My house was never messy for more than 24 hours at a time, and that's saying something, fortunately. (Not sure if more about my current standards of cleanliness or my previous lack of one, but any improvement is great!)

Anyhow, I'm off to bed now. I'm STILL tired. Even though I've slept more the past few days than I have in a while!!!

How was the cleanliness of your place these past few days?


  1. Wow. I need to be more disciplined. Trying to keep up with cleaning and such. But, am pretty much totally redoing my kitchen. I have taken on candy making so I need my area to work in to be extremely efficient. I read an article that got me thinking Now I just need to take action. Thanks for inspiring me!

  2. Thanks! Being disciplined has never been my strong point, I'll admit!

  3. I think you did pretty well considering the circumstances, most people would have said "screw it" and not have bothered doing the cooking and just ordered in for the entire weekend!

    I also don't blame you for being tired, I remember how exhausted I was in the later bit of pregnancy and I didn't have other kids to look after. Give yourself a break and get as much sleep as you can!

    That said, I'm still on board with maintaining my standards of cleanliness as well as managing a couple extra small things every day. I'm keeping it up and it's getting better bit by bit. If I didn't have the drying rack full of wet clothes in the middle of my kitchen right now it would look pretty nice!
